Aquariums deliver significant health benefits

There’s something to be said about the calming effects of the ocean on the human brain. From the soft lull of waves to observing underwater sea life, water gives our brains a much-needed break from the chaos of our day-to-day environments.

The sight and sound of water provide a simple release for our brain, which can help relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce our heart rates. When we surround ourselves with water, our brains get to take a break from working, so to speak, allowing us to change gears and relax

A study completed by Plymouth University conducted research on the effects of aquariums related to physical and mental wellbeing. They discovered robust evidence that ‘doses’ of exposure to underwater settings could actually have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing. Aside from boosting people’s moods, an aquarium can reduce blood pressure, heart rates, and other conditions.

A professor at the university, Dr. Sabine Pahl, explains that in times of high work stress and crowded urban living, the underwater sea world of aquariums can allow one to find ease in an oasis of calm and relaxation.

A study conducted at Purdue University found that displaying tanks of brightly colored fish may curtail disruptive behaviors and improve the eating habits of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Being around water can have a calming effect on our mental health but beyond that, watching the fish swim around and interact with each other can add another layer of therapy. The calming environment of watching fish swim and interact with each other is extremely peaceful.